so i dont really know how im gonna make all these gallery pages for my art but since 2025 is just around the corner i figure it would kind of suck to just make a ton of pages for each year and update then whenever i make something. i dont remember when i made most of the things i did i just tossed them all in the /art folder over the years, so that would be a hell of a mess to clean up. going forwards, i'm gonna make new folders for each year though. call it my new years resolution...
i didn't draw a whole lot this year. everything takes forever unfortunately.
this recap only talks about and shows only some finished art pieces from this year. this is because i forgot what year i made other pieces and i know i've done more than this but don't want to be wrong about the time. also there's just some pieces i have nothing to say about honestly.
this was made at the very end of the school year, on a wooden block with some sharpies, as vaguely suggested by the name. i was requested to make it by a teacher who intended to put it up in her classroom. many other people had drawings or just signed their name on the board. someone even drew garfield directly above my piece!
for what it was made with, i think the shading is good (aside from the fact there isn't a clear light source...), but i severely fucked up the anatomy. what even are those wings? they look flat. the arms are farther apart from the body than they should be and their scales don't make a whole lotta sense. where is the back leg coming from?? i digress. i was rushing and didn't make a sketch first, so it was bound to be a bit off. idk, it's probably not as bad as i think it is.
this is an artfight attack i made for someone i met on tumblr who was also looking for a fight. you can find the reference here. this was the one and only artfight thing i did this year.
i think this one looks pretty good! aside from the wonky hair rendering, it's got the sparkles and the sillyness. there's not much else i feel like saying here really. i hope she likes the drawing :3
algēre is a "character" very dear to my heart that i have a lot of mixed feelings about, and why that is exactly is a conversation for another blog post. this was the first time i ever got to see him. i think, aside from the tail being a bit too long, it's perfect, it's exactly what he looks like.
i made this at the very end of summer break, in an attempt to emulate the oversaturated "Lisa Frank" style. i was very proud of it when i finished it, but looking back, it's okay. i think it's effective at what it was trying to do for the most part but it's not as cluttered with Stuff as lisa frank's art is so when comparing this to that stuff, it looks pretty barren.
this, like idler(griffin), was based on a character skin i made in Feather Family
despite taking on the name idler, i'm not this griffin. there's just like 5 names floating around my head and some of them i use for both myself and my characters. don't worry, it gets as confusing to me as it does to you.
there's not much to say for this one either. it's a good reference sheet. i made the lineart into one for other people to use, and was going to post it to the Feather Family wiki for people to use, but since griffins aren't exclusive to that game i worried it would be considered off-topic. you can find the base file here (transparent version). have fun :3
this was made for my art class as school, made from watercolor paint (not piss). the photo's quality is shitty because my phone isn't very good at being a device but that's fine. i'm quite proud of this because it was my first time using watercolors in the way God intended and not forcing the paint to do things it can't. most of the mistakes lie in the background (i didn't have enough time to do anything cool for it) and the anatomy (the wings. just, the wings. and the wing membranes as well. it's a hot mess there). but i'm glad the scales came out so consistent and at least everything else is mostly fine. many of my clasmates said they like it ^_^
oh boy. this is the first time in maybe 5 years i've seriously tried animating something. and animation is HARD and i do not have the attention span for it, holy FUCK. i tried to keep this consistent, which worked out kind of allright. i think i tried to make too much happen at once, though. also i got so sick of working on it, i deleted one of the frames i was working on, so now it's uneven. god dammit. animation is not for me.
this was going to be an animation meme! specifically, the kasane territory/teto's territory one. so i made the main little dance part, then gave up because trying to organize everything to music in krita is a nightmare and i'm not paying for better software, grrrr. so all that's left is this part.
overall, it's cute, it's symmetrical, it's consistent, except in one of the frames the letter L on her Linux shirt is too big, and i think the way her tail swishes looks tense and unnatural.
for those who have no clue who this cutie is, her name is Xenia and she's the transgender furry fox girl mascot of the Linux kernel! she was originally designed by Alan Mackey in 1996, but disappeared for a long time after Tux became the face of Linux instead. in 2019, twitter user cathodegaytube drew her, and we learned that alan had intended her design to be a boy, but was happy to accept her design as a girl. here's a video about her
i made this as a gift for my friend for their birthday, and i tried to make this piece as silly and fun as they are! i also tried a shading technique that was new to me, where it's rather than do it all under the lineart, i color the piece and then shade it on top of the lineart. it made the piece look much less flat than it otherwise would have! while my struggles with anatomy strike again, it's a bit harder to notice.
holy shit. ok. i finished this the same night i'm writing this. i can't believe i made this with my own claws, let alone did most of the rendering in a single day. legit i spent almost 12 hours straight drawing away and listening to breakcore (L cringe, i know, whatever, but i couldn't have done it without 4lung okay?) and needless to say, i'm quite proud of my work!
this is a christmas gift to my sister of her character Rêve, who is an esoteric shapeshifting moon dragon, witnessing an eclipse while in full moon form.
i used the before mentioned shading technique with another where i paint solid layers of each color, starting with the darkest and then building up to the highlights. it worked pretty good, especially with the hair, but got super confusing when i had to work on the body's fur coat.
hope you like my stuff... come around next year for more maybe
in no particular order because i forgot
wooden marker dragon
rosey attack
algēre's first appearance
beach ball boy
cerulean refsheet
quick idler refsheet
coel(bat) does a dance 4 u
xenia's territory
birthday gift
rêve and the eclipse's shadow
don't care to talk about these ones. probably because they're low effort or not finished
horse lungs (coloring book)
portrait for axolotl's 5th birthday